Finally, the time has come to start our trip to Tanzania for our next project phase. Everything has been prepared, all materials have been collected and presents for our hosts have been bought. We are ready!
The last few weeks have been exhausting for the team of the SoWaDi project. Some last details of the manual have been fixed, we now have a finished English version of the manual that will be taken to Tanzania with us. Since our team will be leaving in a few days we have prepared and printed all the needed materials. Tim, Ludwig and Elisabeth will be taking them to our project partner near the great mount Kilimanjaro. As a gift they are bringing two footballs, which have been signed by all the team members.
During their first week our sent engineers will meet local NGOs and present our system to find partners for the distribution of the system. The rest of the four week stay will be spent at the Malage Vocational Training Centre near Mwanga. There, the systems building process and function will be tested by the students of the center. The main aspect will be the comprehensibility of the manual and the long term functioning of the device. To assure the quality of the produced water, a variety of water tests regarding microbial contamination will be done with the treated water.
The SoWaDi Team is very excited to see, what the next weeks will bring.